Simple. Biblical. Reproducible.
Helping you develop healthy habits as a disciple maker
Identity BEFORE Activity
Before we can “DO” discipleship we need to know what it looks like to “BE” a disciple.
Once we know WHO we are,
we need to know WHAT to do.
Since apart from Christ we can do nothing, we must remain close to Him. When we do this, we will bear much fruit and experience joy. Reading the Word, journaling, and praying enable us to marinate in God’s presence.
God has entrusted you with relationships where you live, work, learn, play, and worship. To be faithful stewards of these social circles, we must build relationships with those around us and pray intentionally for spiritual opportunities.
By weaving spiritual statements and actions into everyday conversation, we are able to add value to our relationships and see where God is at work.
People have more ownership over something when they discover it for themselves. By inviting people to discover God in His Word, obey what He says, and share it with others, we invite them to a lifelong journey of spiritual growth.
Every believer is called to help others follow Jesus better. As people mature, they are sent out to multiply, to see new disciples made, and to see new groups of disciple-makers form.